The ‘Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s‘ exhibition has moved back to the Castle Leisure Centre (2 St Gabriel Walk, SE1 6FG) for a second showing, and will be available to view there into the new year. A protest and occupation demanding homes at social rents not offices, for the Hays Wharf redevelopment in the early … Continue reading Updating the SE1 story
The ‘Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s‘ exhibition is returning to Walworth, at the recently opened Una Marson Library. 62 Thurlow Street, SE17 2GN, from 10am to 6pm (to 3pm Wed, 5pm Sat, closed Sun). It will be there from 8th to 29th February, then moving on to Seven Islands Leisure Centre from 1st March until … Continue reading New venue for exhibition
The SE1 Stories group has built an online walking tour around the locations highlighted in our exhibition “Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s”. These include sites which were fought over in the campaigns to give local people a say over redevelopment plans, and those of the organisations who planned and carried out the campaigns. One stop … Continue reading Visit locations featured in the exhibition
The exhibition ‘Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s’ has started a tour of selected Southwark leisure centres, with The Castle Centre first up. On display here for all of October, and to the end of the year provisionally. Exact moving-on arrangements are being finalised. At 2 St Gabriel Walk, London SE1 6FG.
The exhibition is back on the road! 'Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s' will be on display at the Southwark Heritage Centre in Walworth from 1st August to 14th September. At 145-147 Walworth Road, SE17 1RW, open weekdays 10am – 8pm, Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday noon – 4pm. UPDATE: run extended to 28th September. There … Continue reading Exploring SE1 Stories in Walworth
Especially for the Embassy: Communities event being held at Tate Modern, the 'Blackfriars SE1 in the 1970s' exhibition will be on display at that venue on Saturday 10th June, from 10am to 6pm. (The event itself runs noon to 5pm.) It should also be available to view on Sunday 11th before being taken down on … Continue reading Weekend special (10th June)!